What is going on?

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 1137 which bans new well drilling and certain maintenance work on existing wells within 3,200 feet of homes, schools, health care facilities and “any building housing a business that is open to the public.” The bill also imposes new mitigation measure requirements on existing wells and equipment.

This bill will effectively shut down energy production and destroy the value of mineral rich property throughout California. It is likely an illegal “taking” of California assets. It will hurt thousands of California land and home owners.

Gas and electricity prices in California are astronomically high now, and this bill will drive prices higher. It increases our dependence on foreign oil from countries that care little about the environment. It eliminates our ability to provide our friends in Europe with desperately needed energy.

Worst of all, the voters of California were given no voice in the passing of this bill in September of 2022. The bill will eliminate much-needed income of many tens of thousands of Californians.

What are we doing?

California producers and royalty owners have teamed up to launch “Stop the Energy Shutdown”, a ballot referendum aimed at overturning SB 1137 through the will of the general public. Headed by the California Independent Petroleum Association (CIPA), and supported by NARO California, have gathered over 950,000 voter signatures to place a referendum on the ballot so that California voters be heard on this matter in the November 2024 General Election.

What can I do?

Please lend your support by telling your neighbors, family and friends. Even ardent environmentalists who are aware of the world wide energy dilemma are opposed to reducing energy production in a haphazard fashion.

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